Interviewee: Jeanette Cruz
Interviewer: Yomaira Andujar
Relationship: Friend
Date: April 9, 2001

First Years in Philly

What is your full name?

Jeanette Cruz.
What is your nationality?
Puerto Rican.
What is your date of birth?
June 10, 1975.
Where were you born?
Salinas, Puerto Rico.
When did you (move to the U.S./move from somewhere else in the U.S.) to Philadelphia?
July 11, 1992.
Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?
To be next to our family and our grandmother who was sick at the time.
What did you like/dislike about your home/country?
I liked everything except the long walks to the stores and stuff.
Why did you choose Philadelphia/U.S?
'Cause our family lived in Philadelphia.
How did you travel here?/What type of transportation did you use/take to travel here? How would you change that?
We traveled by plane and I would not change it in anyway. It's the fastest way to get here.
How did you find a place to live in Philly?
Our grandmother allowed us to stay with her and then we got a house from Hud for a $1.00 and my step dad fixed it up and made it our new home.
With whom did you travel? [Who did you travel with?]
My mom, my step dad and my two brothers.
Give 1 thing you remember most about your home town and why?
This little lake we used to call “The Gunda.” It was an everyday place to be. After school, anytime. It was just perfect.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
Pretty much nothing changed just my friends and of course my language and everything: population, the houses, the corner stores, the schools, everything like that was different.
What did you expect about the US/Philly?
Nothing, really.
What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need to do?
We came over here to be closer with our family and because of all the problems they was going [through] and I feel as though the only thing I need to accomplish is a family.
What are the differences between when you came here and now?
Nothing, but the fact that I'm bilingual now.
What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?
We left behind our house and we sacrificed our friends.
What problems did you encounter coming to the US/Philly?
I got into fights with girls because they were used to, they used to always be calling me a 'hick' and making fun of me and stuff like that. So we used to always get into fights. That's all.
How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly/US?
I don't know how much money did my mom and step dad get. They had all the money and they got it from working.
How did you adapt to your new environment?
I adapted very well.
Why do you think it was worth all your changes?
We got to be closer to our family and spend time with our grand mom before she passed away 5 years after we got here. After we got, after we moved here to Philly, so.
What education did you have before/after you arrived?
Education? Some high school that was all I had. I was in eight grade, tenth, I'm sorry.
Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?
No, not really 'cause everywhere it's a nice place to be at if you never been there before. So it was just a new experience for me and a new place to be at.
What reason would/could make you go back to where you came from?
Nothing, no reason at all.
Describe your first job here. If you didn't have one, where did you get money?
Oh my God! It was Taco Bell. It was a good opportunity for me but, you know, it was a good experience and I got to learn stuff but it wasn't good enough for me.
Is there anything you would like to add?
No, not really.
