Small town girl, moves to big city.

Interviewer: Elaine Perez
Interviewee: Norma Resto Perez
Date: April 22, 1999


What is your full name?

Norma Resto Perez.
What is your nationality?
Puerto Rican.
What is your date of birth?
January 18, 1954.
Where were you born?
Jayuya, Puerto Rico.
When did you move to Philadelphia?
My family moved to Philadelphia in 1960 from Puerto Rico.
Why did you leave?
My parents brought us over to Philadelphia for a better life, better opportunities.
How did you travel here?
We traveled by airplane.
Did you know anyone in Philadelphia? If so, who?
My parents had friends here who recommended them to move to Philadelphia.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
It was a complete turn around, from life in Puerto Rico. There is no snow in Puerto Rico and we came in October of 1960, when winter was almost upon us. The weather was totally different, there was a language barrier and there was other problems that we had to confront.
What were your expectations about your destination?
I was 6 years old so I really didn't have any expectations because our parents didn't tell us why we were moving here or what to expect.
Did you sacrifice anything when you left?
I'm really not sure, I don't think we sacrificed anything because I don't think my parents had anything to sacrifice.
During your travel did you have any problems? If so, explain.
The only thing I can remember of the traveling was the airplane. I was petrified of it.
How did you get the money to move?
My father earned the money to come to this country.
How did you adapt to your new environment?
We had to forcefully adapt to the environment, there was no way we could go back to Puerto Rico.
What education did you have before or after you arrived?
Very little. I had very little education when we got here, I had just started the first grade. When I started here, I went to the first grade and it was very difficult not knowing the language.
Did you ever regret moving? Why or why not?
I really don't know because I can't remember how life in Puerto Rico was before we left to come here, but if anything, I think it was the best move my parents ever made.