She is not thrilled with Philadelphia but has made here life here

Interviewer: Marian Lozada
Interviewee: Blanca Lozada
Date: April, 1999

What is your full name?

Blanca Lozada.
What is your nationality?
Puerto Rican.
What is your date of birth?
August 11.
Where were you born?
In Puerto Rico.
When did you first move to the U.S. and where?
Well, I first came to New York in 1960.
When did you move to Philadelphia?
In 1985.
Why did you choose Philadelphia?
I came to Philadelphia looking for a better way of life for my children.
How did you travel?
By airplane.
Did you know anyone in Philadelphia?
With whom did you travel?
Well, I traveled with my family.
How did your life change and what were the differences?
First of all, I was able to educate my children better. My life has changed because they have been able to make a living on their own.
What were your expectations of Philadelphia?
I expected things to be different and hard.
What are the differences between when you came here and now?
Well, the streets are abandon and dirty. There isn't much help for the Latino and their community.
What did you sacrifice when you left?
Well, I had to leave my family behind and my job.
Did you undergo any problems while traveling?
How did you get the money to move?
Well, I had stop working but still had money that I earned and it was given to me.
How did you adapt to your new environment?
Well, we just had to get use to it.
What education did you have when you arrived?
I had my high school degree.
Do you ever regret moving? Why or why not?
No. I don't regret moving because things have gone well. I work here and so do my children and they like it here.