Man Survives 2 months in boat.

Date: May 16, 1999
Interviewer: May Ngo
Interviewee: David Ngo
Language used: English

What is your full name?

David Ngo
What is your nationality?
Chinese and Vietnamese.
When is your birthday?
December 14, 1968
Where were you born?
I was born in Vietnam, Haiphong, that's North Vietnam.
When did you arrive to the U.S?
I came to the U.S on April 10, 1981.
When did you come to Philadelphia?
I came to Philadelphia on January 10, 1998.
Why did you leave your place of former residence?
Well, why did I leave my country? Well, freedom of choice!
Why did you choose Philadelphia or the U.S?
Well, U.S is the #1 country for the freedom in the world.... That's the reason we are staying in the U.S.
How did you travel here? What type of transportation did you use or take?
Well, we travel through the Pacific Ocean with boat and it takes us about two months and one day.... It's quite an experience!
Did you know anybody in Philadelphia, if so who?
Yes, I do: my relatives and cousins.
With whom did you travel?
My brother's, and sister, and my parents.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
Well, my life change is all for good.... us... especially the living in U.S is wonderful, foods wise, clothes, the people, the money and the freedoms!
What were your expectations about your destination?
Easier life style and a wonderful life style, also!
What were the differences between when you came here and now?
Well, when I came here, basically I was F.O.B. ( fresh off the boat) and now it's very big difference, I'm almost like one of the American U.S citizen; "I am a U.S citizen, but I become like almost like an American man in the American Land!"
What did you sacrifice or leave behind when you left?
Well, I don't sacrifice anything, the only thing I left behind was some of my relatives, my grandparents, which they all pass away.
Okay, before you left for the U.S, what memory really impacted you from this day?
Left to U.S.? What memory? Well, one memory I still have is back in 1975 or 73', the U.S. was bombing Vietnam and I was still a very young child, I think I was only 6 or 5 years old, my mom was holding me in her lap, holding me and my brothers.... we were under ground; "for days." No lights, no waters, the only light we have is only daylight that go through a small holes, which is that small hole carry that light into under the ground and also, that small hole supplies us the air from above to underneath the ground "for days!"
The night before you came to the U.S, what did you do, do you remember?
The night before I come to U.S? Well, I was in an island, we got sent to an island, Phillippino... the Philip... Philippino Island, Refugee Center, well, uh-Refugee Camp, I would say. Um, not memory there 'cause this island it was only temporary to stay there, but we end up staying there 1/2 years. Mainly, is scary people around there kill us for food, for jewelry, for gold... raping child, childhood, like little girl got rapeds, younger women go raped, teenagers some got captured or killed... (sigh).
What other stops did you make other than the Philippines?
What other stops? We stop in China, the west part of China [Hong Kong], during, during the two months that we were in a boat. And us in Thailand, that's it.
What kind of problems did you undergo during you travel, if any?
Yes, we go through a lot of problem, that will be on the Pacific ocean during the boat trips, it took us about 2 months and 1 days, we lost, we's basically we were flowing around the world for 2 months and 1 days, some days we had food, some days we don't, some days we had water, some days we don't, and there is many many problems especially a small boat with 1 yard of space, 75 people in the boat, that's includes elderly, adults, kids, babies, people's healthy and there was people's sick in the boat, also. There's sometimes there's medicine, and sometimes don't, and... during that two months and 1 day, we have to we almost "nearly" come to death, about 10 times and waste a lot of jewelry and gold to survive to come to this country. (break).
How did you feel during this trip, the whole entire trip?
How do I feel? Well, sick, boat sick, "like everyone else," hungry, "like everyone else," "Wondering are we still going to be alive tonight to tomorrow?"
How was the sanitation?
Terrible, basically, almost got everybody sick, starting from one person and then end up the whole boat, everyone sick.
Was there any death on the boat?
Yes, there is 3 dead member on the boat.
Where was these people buried?
No, these peep... those three dead person's, dead person's were tossed down in the Pacific Ocean, feed to the shark.............. "DUNN.......... DUNN....... DUNN...... DUNN............" [He is humming the music from Jaws.]
What was your age during this trip?
I was only 9 Years old.
How old are you now?
I'm 30 years old now.
Did this trip affect you greatly in life?
Yes, it taught me a lot, it was wonderful experience, I'd have to say, probably in for childhood, living in this country I believe every single one of us, would want to have this experience like I do, I won't say it's a tough life, I won't say it's a easy life, but it's a wonderful experience and it I have to do it again, I would do it again.
What is it like being new to Philadelphia?
Well, Phyla, is an old city, part of it, part of Phyla, Phyla city is beautiful and classic, and classy, most part of Philadelphia is for all I know is manufactures, old buildings, old roads, and not very clean, very dirty, weather? You either get very cold or very hot in the summer.
If there was one place to be in America to live until you die, what would it be?
I would have to say "The city of Angel's," SAN FRANCISCO, that's the city of Angel's, California, I would live there and die there, if I had to commit suicide, let's say that, or to die, I would pick SAN FRANCISCO!
How long did you live in San Francisco, Ca. to to make you feel so strong about it?
Ever since I came to U.S, arrived to U.S, that's in 1981, it's not because I live there in '81, but because I just want to die there, it's not because the city is so wonderful, it's beautiful! Weather? It's wonderful, basically you can live there trough life if you can manage to survive.
Are you planning to move back to San Francisco, California?
Yes, matter-of-fact, very soon, today is... what's today?
(Today is May 16th)
May 16th, well, I probably will be moving back S.F, sometime in June to marry my wonderful bride, hopefully I would stay out there, too!
Thank you!
No, thank you , very much!