Language: Spanish
Translated by: Jennifer Moran
Interviewee: Jeannett Socorro Torres
Interviewer: Jennifer Moran
Relationship: Mother
Date: April, 2002

Spanish version

The life that was given to me!

What is your full name?

Jeannett Socorro Torres

What is your nationality?


What is your date of birth?

July 15, 1966

Where were you born?

I was in Nicaragua, Managua the capital.

When did you move to the U.S (to Philadelphia)?

I moved to the U.S from Nicaragua in about 1980-1981 I think.

Why did you leave your country?

Because there was some kind of war going on and my mom felt like it was better for me to come to the U.S.

What did you like / dislike about your home / country?

I did not like that it was a very poor country, and the way of life or living was very different.

Why did you choose Philadelphia / U.S?

Because it is a very powerful country, but I did not choose it.

How did you travel here? / What type of transportation did you use / take to travel here? How would you change that?

I traveled in some kind of boat. I would have liked to come in to this country legal.

How did you find a place to live in Philly?

My family found me a place to live because they knew some one.

With whom did you travel? [Whom did you travel with]?

With my two uncles Carlos Medina, and Jose Flores.

Give 1 thing you remember most about your hometown and why?

My childhood, the time I was in school, it was the best time of my life.

How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?

My life changed a lot - so much I cannot explain.

What did you expect about Philly?

I expected a lot, so much I do not remember right now.

What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need o do?

I came to better my education and have a better life then what I had then and what I have now.

What are the differences between when you came here and now?

When I came I had nothing and now I have a house, car, and three wonderful kids.

What did you sacrifice / leave behind when you left?

I left behind my studies and my friends.

What problems did you encounter coming to the US / Philly?

The language and the economics.

How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly / US?

I had no money, but I found a job and got money.

How did you adapt to your new environment?

I did not know how to adapt but I learned to.

Why do you think it was worth all your change?

I did not choose to change; my parents chose it for me.

What education did you have before / after you arrived?

I had a high school diploma and when I got here I got childcare, art, and my G. E. D.

Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?

I did regret coming over here because I had to work a lot.

What reason would / could make you go back to where you came from?

I do not plan on going back to my country because now I have my children and they have a better future here.

Describe your first job here. If you did not have one, how did you get money?

My first job was packing socks in a factory.

Is there any thing you would like to add?

I like this country very much because it has better opportunities than my country.

Language: Spanish
Interviewee: Jeannett Socorro Torres
Interviewer: Jennifer Moran
Relationship: Mother
Date: April, 2002

Cual es tu nombre completo?

Jeannett Soccorro Torrez

Cual es tu nacionalidad?


Cual es tu dia de nacimiento?


A donde usted nacio?

Managua Nicaragua

Cuando se mudo a los Estados Unidos?

en 1981

Por que te fuiste de tu pais?

Por que el pais estava en guerra.

Que te gusta o no te Gusta de tu pais?

Que es un pais muy pobre. La forma de vida es muy diferente.

Por que escojiste los estados unidos?

Por que es un pais muy poderoso, pero yo no lo escoji.

En que viajo que tipo de transportacion y que cambiara?

En una balsa o un bote, a ver llegado legal a este pais.

Como encontro una casa en filadelfia?

Por medio de mi familia.

Con quien viajaste a los estados unidos?

Con mis tios: Carlo Medina, y Jose Flores.

Dime un recuerdo que tu tenga de Nicaragua?

De mis amigas en los tiempo de la escuala.

Como se te a cambiado tu vida a mudarte a los Estados Unidos?

Muchas cosas.

Que esperabas de los Estados Unidos?

Una vida mejor muchas cosas.

Que tu venista superar y que necesitas to do via a superar?

Progresar y estudiar tener un futuro mejor.

Que son las diferencia entre cuando tu llegaste y haora?

Cuando llege no tenia nada haora temgo una casa, Carro y tres hijos ejemplares.

Que tu sacrificaste /que tu dejaste atras?

Mis estudios y mis amistades.

Que problema tu te encontre cuando tu llegaste a los Estado Unido?

El Idioma.Y problema economicos.

Cuanto dinero tu tenia cuando llegaste? Como encotraste dinero?

Nad trabajando en una factoria.

Como tu te adates a la nueva vida?

NO lose pero tenia que aserlo.

Por que tu pensate que era momento del cambio?

Yo no desidi pueron mis paderes.

Que educacion tu tenias cuando llegaste / que educacion tenias despes?

Un cuarto ano ecojido dos o tres certificado child care y art.

Tu nunca te arepenti des de mudate a quie por que si o no?

Si me arepent: por que tenia que trabajar mucho.

Por que rason tu te irias para tras de a dodes tu llegaste?

No pienso irme para tras a mi pais por que ahora tengo a mis hijos y tiene un mejor futuro a quie.

Describe tu primer trabajo aqui?

En una factoria de media yo era una empacadora.

No hay nada que te gustaria desir?

Me gusta este pais tengo muchas oportunidade que en mi pais no las tendria.
