Years of suffering leads to a impressive ending!!!

Interviewee: Carmen M. Valentin
Interviewer: Lynette M. Padin
Relationship: Grandmother
Date: February 15, 2000
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What is your full name?padinl.jpg (83508 bytes)

Carmen Maria Valentin

What is your nationality?
Puerto Rican (Hispanic-Latina)
What is your date of birth?
December 11, 1933
Where were you born?
Puerto Rico
When did you (move to the U.S./move from somewhere else in the U.S.) to Philadelphia?
Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?
Because my husband brought me here.
What did you like/dislike about your home/country?
I liked the weather in Puerto Rico, But I disliked the opportunity to receive money.
Why did you choose Philadelphia/U.S?
I didn't have much of a choice, my husband chose Philadelphia.
How did you travel here?/What type of transportation did you use/take to travel here? How would you change that?
I traveled here on a airplane. I would still use that type of transportation.
How did you find a place to live in Philly?
We had a small amount of money saved and we rented a apartment.
With whom did you travel? [Who did you travel with?]
I traveled with my husband and I had one kid at the time.
Give 1 thing you remember most about your home town and why?
I remember my family because I love and miss them very much.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
My life had many positive changes because here there were many job opportunities for me and in Puerto Rico, In my days, there wasn't enough jobs. Besides I was young.
What did you expect about the US/Philly?
I was a little scared because I was coming into another country without knowing anything about it, But then again I really didn't expect anything because I was just following my husband.
What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need to do?
I came here to look for and to find a better life for my family. I feel that I have accomplished everything I needed to accomplish. I am not with the father of my kids, the man I came here with, But I have been happily married for 29 years to someone who loves and adores me and my family. I am a homeowner and at one point in my life I was one of the wealthiest women in Philadelphia. I own various amounts of vehicles and businesses and I have traveled to various places over the world.
What are the differences between when you came here and now?
Things were much cheaper back then. There was hardly no Puerto Ricans, It was all African Americans and Caucasians. Now there is more job opportunities.
What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?
The only thing I left behind was my family because that's all I had.
What problems did you encounter coming to the US/Philly?
There was no complications.
How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly/US?
All I had in my pocket was $20 that my mother-in-law had given to me.
How did you adapt to your new environment?
I didn't like the weather but I had no other choice but to deal with it because I knew that if I went back to Puerto Rico my family would be in poverty again.
Why do you think it was worth all your changes?
Because I became a supervisor in a shoe factory and from there on money was flowing in easy. Now I own various properties. I have owned stores, restaurants, bars, various # of houses, various # of cars, etc.
What education did you have before/after you arrived?
I was in my 3rd year of high school. I was a candy stripper. When I arrived here I just started a job because I had to provide for my family.
Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?
No, I do not regret moving here because I am very successful.
What reason would/could make you go back to where you came from?
I would never go back to Puerto Rico because my son is buried here and I will never leave him.
Describe your first job here. If you didn't have one, How did you get money?
My first job was in a suitcase factory, I liked it, that was the start of my successfulness.
Is there anything you would like to add?
The man I came here with was very abusive and I never wants to experience that again. He became mentally ill and loss all our businesses. I finally found the strength to leave him and I had to start all over. I then turned to selling drugs and I got all her businesses back. I now regret the way I had to get all my businesses back but it was part of the struggle. Now I am old and I no longer have the businesses because it is to much for me to handle.