Interviewee: Anonymous
Interviewer: Angelice Reyes
Relationship: Sister-in-law
Date: May 17, 2002


A Young Woman Struggles for Happiness

What is your full name?

I'd rather not answer that question.
What is your nationality?
 I'm Puerto Rican.
What is your date of birth?
May 26, 1979.
Where were you born?
In Bayamon, Puerto Rico.
When did you (move to the U.S./move from somewhere else in the U.S.) to Philadelphia?
In 1998.
Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?
Since my parents had decided to come over here.
What did you like/dislike about your home/country?
In reality, I enjoyed everything, the beaches and the parks.
Why did you choose Philadelphia/U.S?
In reality, I didn't choose it.  My parents did since my father had some family over here.
How did you travel here? What type of transportation did you use/take to travel here? How would you change that?
I used the transportation of an airplane.  I would change it by boat because that would be the only other transportation additional to an airplane.
How did you find a place to live in Philly?
In reality, we lived with our uncle who had a house here already.
With whom did you travel? [Who did you travel with?]
With one of my female cousins.
Give one thing you remember most about your hometown and why?
The beaches, since we used to go all of the time since over there it is always hot, we always used to go.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
Over here I was alone.  I only had my uncle over here and over in Puerto Rico, I had my friends and other family members.
What did you expect about the US/Philly?
I awaited for a good place to live.
What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need to do?
In reality when I came, I didn't come to accomplish anything.  Since I came because my parents obligated me to live here.
What are the differences between when you came here and now?
In the beginning, I didn't have any friends and no family so now I have enough friends, I have my job, and my husband.
What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?
My studies.
What problems did you encounter coming to the US/Philly?
The English language since I never understood it.
How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly/US?
My parents were the ones who found their money since they were already working.
How did you adapt to your new environment?
Little by little, I started adapting.  With my new friends and my new family so I went adapting little by little.
Why do you think it was worth all your changes?
Over there I had no job, so over here I have my own job now, my own house since I got married with my boyfriend and it was worth everything even sacrificing myself and coming over here.
What education did you have before/after you arrived?
When I came over here, I had already had one year of college and I majored in secretarial
Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?
In some parts yes and in some parts no.  In some parts no because I have my own family and my own house and in some parts yes because after my wedding, my parents left and now they are far from me.
What reason would/could make you go back to where you came from?
If something was to happen between my husband and I or if my parents were to get sick or if something happens to them.
Describe your first job here.  If you didn't have one, where did you get money?
My first job was making hamburgers in Mc Donald's.
Interviewee: Anonimo
Reportera: Angelice Reyes
Relation: Cunada
Fecha:Vienes el 17 de Mayo del 2002

El Trabajo que Paso una Mujer Joven Para Felicidad

Cual es tu nombre completo?

Prefiero no contestar esa pegunta.
Cual es tu nacionalidad?
Cual es tu fecha de nacimiento?
Donde tu naciste?
En Bayamon Puerto Rico.
Cuando te mudaste a los Estados Unidos?
En 1998.
Porque te fuiste de tu pais?
Ya que mis padres decidieron venirse para aca.
Que te gusto / no te gusto de tu pais?
En realidad me gusto todo, sus playas sus parques.
Porque escojiste a Philadelphia?
En realidad no lo escoji yo, lo escojio mis padres ya que mi papa tenia un familiar aqui.
Como viajaste hasta este lugar?  Que clase de transportation usaste para llegar aqui y como la cambiaria?
Use la transportation del avion, lo cambiaria este por barco Porque esa es la unica transpotatation que hay adicional del avion.
Como encontraste un lugar de vivir en Philadelphia?
En realidad viviamos con nuestro tio que tenia una casa aqui ya.
Con quien viajaste?
Con una prima mia.
Nombra una cosa que tu te recuerde de la ciudad de cual tu eras y porque?
Las playas, ya que siempre hibamos todo el tiempo a las playas.
Como fue que tu vida cambio cuando te mudaste y cual fue la differencia entre los dos lugares?
Pues aqui estaba sola, solamente tenia a mi tio, aya mis amistades y demas familia.
Que esperabas de los Estados Unidos / Philadelphia?
Pues, esperaba un bien lugar para vivir.
Que viniste aqui a lograr y que mas tu cree que tienes que hacer?
En realidad, cuando vine, no vine a lograr nada, ya que vine porque mis padres me obligaron a vivir aqui.
Cuales son las differencias en cuando primero llegaste aqui y ahora?
Pues que al principio no tenia amistades y no tenia familia, y ahora tengo bastante amistades, tengo mi trabajo y tengo mi familia y mi esposo.
Que fue lo que sacrificaste o dejaste atras cuando te fuiste?
Mis estudios.
Conque problema te encontraste viniendo hacia los Estados Unidos / Philadelphia?
Este el idioma Ingles. Ya que yo no este hablaba ingles ni entendia Ingles.
Cuanto dinero tenias y como lo conseguiste cuando viniste a Philadelphia?
Mis padres fueron los que consiguieron su dinero este ya que ellos trabajaban.
Como te adaptaste a tu nuevo ambiente?
Poco a poco este me fui adaptando con mis nuevas amistades y mi nueva familia so me fui adaptando poco a poco.
Porque tu crees que valio todos los cambios?
Pues aya no tenia trabajo so aqui ahora tengo trabajo y aqui tengo mi propia casa ya que me case con mi novio y valio todo la pena este sacrificarme y vinirme para aca .
Que education tu tenias antes o despues que leegaste?
Cuando vine tenia un ano de colegio de Secretarial Ejecutiva.
Tu te arrepientes de haberte mudado? Porque o porque no?
En parte si y en parte no, Pues porque en parte no porque ahora tengo mi propia familia y mi propio hogar y en parte si porque despues de mi boda mis padres se fueron y los tengo lejos.
Que razon tuviera o pudiera tener para hacerte ir para atras de donde viniste?
Que pasara algo entre mi esposo y yo o que mis padres se enfermeran o pasara algo.
Describe tu primer trabajo aqui, si no tenias trabajo como conseguiste el dinero?
Mi primer trabajo era haciendo hamburgueses en Mac Donald.
