Joanmarie Lucia Cruz

S# 23 Eng. 3


Many people favor an English and English-Only Act are only trying to mask their racial and cultural bigotry.

Many people favor an English and English-Only Act are denying who they are because they are confining themselves to one thing and forgetting that they are another. It's not that bad to have a bit of diversity-is it? So why try to stop it? The English and English-Only Act makes everyone forget that. There are other cultures and languages in the world and

they are closing their minds to it. This is why I think that people who favor the English and English-Only Act are only trying to mask their racial and cultural bigotry.


Schools pamper non-native students with bilingual courses, keeping them forever dependent on teachers and more educated people.

This is because they may think they don't have to try as much because they got a teacher who understands them and therefore they don't think it is necessary to learn English and it shouldn't be that way. To succeed in this world of ours you need many things and one is English. Being bilingual is good, so learning English would help a lot.