The woman who loved moving to Philadelphia because of the better income her parents were getting in Philadelphia.

Interviewer: Diana Velez
Interviewee: Lydia Maria Rodriguez
Date: June 7, 1999


What is your full name?

Lydia Maria Rodriguez
What is your nationality?
Puerto Rican
What is your date of birth?
August 3, 1960.
Where were you born?
Juana Diaz, P.R.
When did you move to Philadelphia?
I was 8 years old at the time.
Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?
I left P.R. because [my parents] wanted a better living and also because of my parents income wasn't very good.
Why did you choose Philadelphia?
Parents chose because I was very young.
How did you travel here? What type of transportation did you use/take?
I traveled by plane and also traveled with my 5 brothers and 1 sister.
Did you know anyone in Philadelphia? If so, who?
My parents had many friends.
How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?
The differences was money wise and my life changed very much adapting to the environment.
What are the differences between when you came here and now?
The differences is that before the streets were safe and now they aren't and also money wise, there wasn't any family members here and now there is a lot.
What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?
Well, I left behind all my family and also some friends.
What kind of problems did you undergo during your travel, if any?
I didn't have any problems.
How did you get the money to move?
My parents paid for the plane tickets.
How did you adapt to the new environment?
Well, I wasn't use to it at first but as I grew I adapted better.
What education did you have before/after you arrived?
I had a 5th grade education.
 Do you ever regret moving? Why or Why not?
No. I don't regret moving, I find it better.