Interviewee: Omar J. Negron
Interviewer: Shana D. Negron
Relationship: Older Brother
Date: January 17, 2003

A teenager moving around and making new friends.

What is your full name?

Omar Javier Negron.

What is your nationality?

I’m Puerto Rican.

What is your date of birth?

November 1, 1983.

Where were you born?

In Puerto Rico.

When did you (move to the U.S./move from somewhere else in the U.S.) to Philadelphia?

I moved to the United States 7 or 8 years ago.

Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?

I don’t know. I was 2 years old when we moved from Puerto Rico to Connecticut. But I was 12 years old when we moved to Philly.

What did you like/dislike about your home/country?

I disliked the neighborhood - it was too quiet. What I liked was that my best friend lived next door.

Why did you choose Philadelphia/U.S?

I didn’t, my mom did.

How did you travel here?/What type of transportation did you use/take to travel here? How would you change that?

We traveled here in a car. I wouldn’t like to change that.

How did you find a place to live in Philly?

We stood in a family member’s house for a couple of weeks.

With whom did you travel? [Who did you travel with?]

I traveled with my parents and 5 siblings.

Give 1 thing you remember most about your home town and why?

The door in the attic. You could walk right into our neighbor’s home if their side was unlocked.

How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?

My life changed but it was because I became a teenager in Philly. My neighborhood in Philly was much louder.

What did you expect about the US/Philly?

The only thing I was expecting was to spend more time with my family in Philly.

What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need to do?

I came to finish school. I finished high school. Now I’m in college.

What are the differences between when you came here and now?

I’m much more mature.

What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?

I didn’t leave much behind.

What problems did you encounter coming to the US/Philly?

I had to make new friends. I had to start over.

How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly/US?

I didn’t need money. I was only twelve.

How did you adapt to your new environment?

I adapted by spending most of my time with my family.

Why do you think it was worth all your changes?

Yes. I don’t regret anything.

What education did you have before/after you arrived?

I had just finished the 6th grade.

Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?

No, I have enjoyed every single minute I’ve been here.

What reason would/could make you go back to where you came from?

None at all.

Describe your first job here. If you didn't have one, how did you get money?

I was a store clerk at SAVE-A-LOT.
