Interviewee: Betty Ann Walker Matthews
Interviewer: Ebone Walker
Relationship: Aunt
Date: January 3, 2003
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She's a nice person to interview and get to know: she's crazy

walkere5.jpg (27148 bytes)What is your full name?

     Betty Ann Walker Matthews.

What is your nationality?

     Black American

What is your date of birth?

     March 29, 1948

Where were you born?

Richmond, Virginia

When did you (move to the U.S./move from somewhere else in the U.S.) to Philadelphia?

I moved here 7 years ago.

Why did you leave your country/State/former place of residence?

Because it was trouble down in that neighborhood and where I was livin', it was very heavy floods and my family had move to Philadelphia.

What did you like/dislike about your home/country?

It was very muddy down there and I didn't have have many friends - small neighborhood.

Why did you choose Philadelphia/U.S?

Because I met new friends, I wanted to meet new people. I heard Philadelphia was a nice place to live.

How did you travel here?/What type of transportation did you use/take to travel here? How would you change that?

First we started off in a car, but then the car broke down so we had to get on the Greyhound bus and we got here at the Greyhound station. I wouldn't change it at all, I like it, it didn't bother me at all coming here.

How did you find a place to live in Philly?

I stayed with a couple of friends, and some of my family members had friends that they knew and they sent me there to some of their homes and I stayed there until I got a job.

With whom did you travel? [Who did you travel with?]?

I traveled with my cousins and my aunt, my mother, and my grandmother.

Give 1 thing you remember most about your home town and why?

The most I remember about my hometown is that we always cooked and had big family dinners and everybody help/pitched in and help everybody in the kitchen.

How did your life change when you moved and what were the differences between the two places?

My life changed in so many different ways because I had to get myself into the environment of where I lived at and learn the neighborhood and how to get around in the Philly area. It change a great deal because things were done very different from where I came from.

What did you expect about the US/Philly?

It is a very nice place, I heard it was a very nice place. I really expected all the things I have now, I have me a home, and a good job.

What did you come here to accomplish and what else do you feel you still need to do?

I came here to accomplish of me gaining my own priority and respect for myself and I have got that now and I would like to get a better job than what I have now, and it's a variety of things.

What are the differences between when you came here and now?

My age! And the people that I met they're more friendly than the ones I had before.

What did you sacrifice/leave behind when you left?

My boyfriend, and a couple of good friends that I grew up with. They like to call me so I don't feel alone that much anymore.

What problems did you encounter coming to the US/Philly?

I lost my luggage, they couldn't find my bag and I went through the wrong way of traveling trying to get to Center City.

How much money did you have and where did you get it when you came to Philly/US?

I saved it. I was working in Virginia and I saved enough to travel here and I just saved my money.

How did you adapt to your new environment?

I was kind'a scared in the beginning but everything just fell into place.

Why do you think it was worth all your changes?

Because I met a nice gentleman now I'm planning on getting married, and spend the rest of my life with this man.

What education did you have before/after you arrived?

On education, I finish high school I have training in being a chef and interior decorating.

Do you [ever] regret moving? Why or why not?

No, I do not regret moving. I'm glad that I did from all the problems that I hear that is going on down there now, and I think that I will never go back. I like it here.

What reason would/could make you go back to where you came from?

I have land down there and I would have to go back and check on all that but other than that I would not want to go back.

Describe your first job here.If you didn't have one, where did you get money?

My first job here I was working at a nursing home changing patients and talking to the patients.

Is there anything you would like to add?

No, that's about it. I enjoyed talking to you and I hope we can talk again. Thank you.
